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International Cycling History Conference
Offering historians a forum to exchange their findings and ideas                ©2014- 2025 ICHC

A Call for Papers


Call for Papers: All persons who are interested in any of the various aspects of cycle history listed below are invited to present a paper at the 32nd ICHC.


Purpose and Objectives: The ICHC was founded in 1990 to provide a FORUM for the presentation and discussion of information on various aspects of cycling, such as:

  • The invention of particular types of bicycles (when, by whom, design, use, etc.)
  • The manufacture of brands of bicycles (where, when, people involved, description of the bicycle, historical importance, events involving these bicycles, etc.)/li>
  • Noteworthy people connected to some aspect of cycling
  • Historical events involving bicycles
  • All historical aspects of bicycles and cycling activities


Submitting a Proposal for a Paper to be Presented at the 32nd ICHC: : Persons wishing to present a paper at the 32nd ICHC must submit an abstract of their paper in digital format to the 32nd ICHC Program Committee as soon as possible but no later than 15 February 2023: Those who offer papers will be notified about acceptance of their paper within 15 days of receipt of an abstract of the proposed paper by the Program Committee. All abstracts of proposed papers should be sent to:

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]


Preparation of Conference Presentations: Presentations are to be prepared in Microsoft’s PowerPoint format and should be brought to the Conference on USB Flash Drive Memory Sticks, to be projected onto a screen viewable by the audience. All equipment needed for MS PowerPoint presentations will be provided by the Conference Organizers. Each speaker will have 30 minutes for their presentation; and, in keeping with the purpose of this Conference, it is recommended that all presenters use about 20 minutes of their time for their presentation, leaving about 10 minutes of their time for “Questions and Answers” with the audience. Additional time for discussion of the papers is provided by the Coffee Breaks and Lunch Times that will be part of this conference.


Conference Proceedings: It is our intention that all papers presented at the 32nd ICHC will be published in Cycle History 32, The Proceedings of the 32nd ICHC. Accordingly, a copy of the written text of each paper, and copies of all illustrations used in the presentation, should be submitted to the emails above as soon as possible after the close of the Conference, but no later than June 16, 2023. A copy of the book Cycle History 32: The Proceedings of the 32nd ICHC will be sent to each person that is fully registered for this Conference.


Note: All illustrations for publication in the Conference Proceedings must be submitted with at least 300 DPI: This is of critical importance for production of a quality publication.


Download Program, Registration, & Hotel flyer


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