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International Cycling History Conference
Offering historians a forum to exchange their findings and ideas                ©2014- 2025 ICHC

Come join the Cycle-bration………..
150 years of Bicycling in America

27th annual International Cycling History Conference (ICHC) and sesquicentennial of bicycling
New Haven & Ansonia CT
Saturday June 25th to 29th 2016
Hosted at the Best Western Hotel, 201 Washington Ave North Haven, Ct

Phone:(203) 239-6700 mention ICHC for special rates


Saturday and Sunday June 25th and 26th free events open to all, bring your antique, old, modern bicycle and celebrate with us .
Man walked for hundreds of thousands of years, then he jumped on a bicycle and was able to get somewhere.  

Friday June 24, 2016 - Related Events
When What Where
6:00pm 10+ mile Critcal Mass Starts at New Haven, CT
Ends at Bicycle Co-op
  Breaking Away movie showing Bicycle Co-op

Saturday June 25, 2016 - Free Public Event
When What Where
9:00am -10:30am Historic ride through beautiful New Haven, easy pace and riding about 10 miles Starts and ends at New Haven, CT - The Green
10:30am-1:00pm Antique bicycle display - See Hobby horses, velocipedes, high wheel bicycles, hard tire safety bicycles and pneumatic safety bicycles all well over 100 years old Along Temple street , east of Chapel St, New Haven, CT
11:00am-12:00pm Cycle-Bration event celebrating 150 years of Bicycling in America a pedaling history and demonstration of antique bicycles through the ages On Temple St near east of Chapel St, New Haven, Green
2:00pm The Wheelmen oral history and demonstration Derby, Ct
3:00pm Historic Pierre Lallement ride ( about 5 miles) Starts and ends at New Haven, CT - The Green
3:00pm Bicycle ride to Ansonia, Ct ( escorted tour) about 24 miles round trip Starts and ends at New Haven, CT - The Green
4:00pm The Wheelmen will participant at the Pierre Lallement bicycle days Ansonia, Ct in front of City Hall
5:00pm Bicycle ride leaves Ansonia, CT with Wheelmen riders and group who rode from New Haven, riding to Derby. New Haven group continues back to New Haven.

Starts at Ansonia, CT

Ends at New Haven, CT

Sunday June 26, 2016 - Free Public Event - as part of the Cycle- Bration event and the ICHC ( International Cycle Historic Conference) hosted at the Best Western, 201 Washington Ave , North Haven , CT
When What Where
9:00am Bike Ride Starts at Best Western 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT
Ends at New Haven, Ct The Green ( flag pole )
10:00am Historic bicycle ride of New Haven, Ct ( about 10 miles , easy pace/ ride)  
11:30am Riders return to New Haven, Ct Green.  
12:00pm ride back the Best Western, North Haven, CT  
1:00pm - 5:00pm Bicycle exhibition In the ballroom at the Best Western, 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT
2:00pm - 5:00pm

Bicycle history lectures

• American bicycling photography 1860's-1960's slide show Lorne Shields Canada

• The Hobby Horse in America 1819 Glen Norcliffe Canada
• Pierre Lallement and the velocipede craze. 1865-1869 David Herlihy, Boston
• The rise and fall of the high wheel bicycle 1875-1890 Carey Williams Chicago
• The Bicycling Boom and Bust of the 1890's Paul Rubenson, Baltimore

In the ballroom at the Best Western, 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT



International Cycling History Conference  (ICHC) registration required attendees only
Please see   look under past conferences to get a better idea of the wide variety of topics and subjects of cycling history that have been covered. 


Monday June 27, 2016 - (International Cycling History Conference attendees) 
When What Where
8:30am - 5:30pm Lectures In the ballroom at the Best Western, 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT

Tuesday June 28, 2016 - (International Cycling History Conference attendees) 
When What Where
8:30am - 5:30pm Lectures In the ballroom at the Best Western, 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT
7:00pm - 9:00pm Banquet closing ceremony Best Western, 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT

Wednesday June 29, 2016 - (International Cycling History Conference attendees) 
When What Where
8:00am - 9:00pm Bus tour of Bicycles and historic bicycling related locations  
  End of ICHC  


Best Western Plus in North Haven CT
201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473       Phone:(203) 239-6700
$99.00 nightly for a room with two beds.
When making room reservation you must state you are with ICHC ( International Cycling History Conference ) to be able to receive the "special rate".
Hot breakfast is included with the room.

Cheers Carey Williams



[email protected]