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Call for Presentations
Persons interested in the history of cycles (i.e., bicycles, tricycles, technology, social, racing, travel, etc.) and the 200th anniversary of the invention of the bicycle by Karl Drais are invited to present papers at the 28th International Cycle History Conference (ICHC) that will be held in Mannheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) on May 29th – June 1st, 2017. Abstracts of all proposed papers should be sent to Eva Gramlich, 28th ICHC coordinator to be submitted to the Committee on Papers for Presentation for vetting process, by March 1st, 2016, to be considered for incorporation into the program of this conference. All prospective presenters will be notified by May 1st of the acceptance of their paper/ poster for presentation at the 28th ICHC and the exact timetable. Abstracts of papers should be sent to Eva Gramlich: [email protected]
Instructions for Presenters
All papers for presentation at the International Cycle History Conference should be prepared in digital form using Microsoft's PowerPoint program.
There are 3 choices for presentations
A. 20 minutes long talk leaving 10 minutes for discussion with audience participation.
B. 10 minutes long talk leaving 5 minutes for discussion with audience participation.
C. Poster board presentation with optional written handout.
Presenters should select first and second choice for their presentation. All submissions of abstracts must be vetted by the ICHC presentation board. With limited time slots available for choices A &B.
Publication of Papers Presented at the 28th ICHC:
All papers presented at the 28th ICHC are eligible for publication in Cycle History 28 - The Proceedings of the 28th ICHC. For publication, the text of all papers should be written in Microsoft’s WORD, and all photos and figures should be submitted in .jpeg or .tiff digital format with a minimum of 300 DPI. The complete papers should be sent to Gary W. Sanderson at [email protected] within 30 days of the end of the Conference. All registered conference participants will get a copy of the proceedings in PDF format as soon as all submitted papers are edited and assembled ready for publication. Contact Gary Sanderson for additional information if required.
2 Räder photo permission granted to use on the ICHC website by TECHNOSEUM, Foto: Klaus Luginsland