Sneak Peak - 2015
International Cycling History Conference — 2014
Maryland Historical Society, 201 West Monument Street, Baltimore, Maryland                ©2014-2016 ICHC

25th International Cycling History Conference — 2014

In 2014 the International Cycling History Conference is celebrating its quarter century. The Conference has been notable for bringing together academics, curators, collectors, and enthusiasts to debate and present new knowledge on all aspects of cycling history. All papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published in the proceedings of the conference titled “Cycle History – 25”. (Note: The proceedings of all ICHC conferences are archived in the US Library of Congress as well as in other important libraries.) The Conference has a notable track record in bringing to light critical, interesting, and previously unappreciated stories from the history of cycling. Examples include such diverse subjects as exposing the fraudulent 'Leonardo' claims to invention of the bicycle, to the role of Col. Albert A. Pope in formation of the bicycle monopoly in 1899, to discussion of the role of cycling in women’s liberation. This International Cycle History Conference is open to papers on any subject related to the history of bicycles and other wheeled vehicles driven by human power: all those interested are invited to submit abstracts of 200-400 words to David V. Herlihy ([email protected]) by May 15, 2014, for consideration.

International Cycle History Conference is open to all persons who are interested in the history of cycling: this invitation goes out to those who wish to present a paper as well as to those who want to attend simply to enjoy the conference. There will be sessions devoted to the presentation of papers on all aspects of cycling history throughout, there will be an exhibition of historically important bicycles and other objects connected to cycling history, and there will be a field trip to interact with some of the related objects in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., area.

There will be an optional Bicycle Ride Around Washington, D.C., on August 10th following the end of the International Cycle History Conference for those who are interested.

These International Cycling History Conferences are held each year in a different city with the emphasis changing so as to encourage in depth coverage of events and developments related to the invention and use of bicycles, tricycles, and related wheeled vehicles that occurred throughout the world. Recent conferences have been held in Freehold, NJ, USA (2009); Prague, Czech Republic (2010); Paris, France (2011); Roeselare, Belgium (2012); and Lisbon, Portugal (2013).

The Committee For Organizing the 25th ICHC:

Gary W. Sanderson, Chairman of the Committee ([email protected])
Paul Rubenson, Registration and Arrangements ([email protected])
David V. Herlihy, Chairman of the Presentations Jury ([email protected])
Margaret Guroff, Presentations Jury and Special Events ([email protected])
Tom Crouch, Presentations Jury and Special Events ([email protected])
Carey Williams, Bicycle Exhibition and Ride around Washington, DC ([email protected])
Kenneth Gray, Ride around Washington, DC ([email protected])
Mark W. Scherer, 25th ICHC Web-Master ([email protected])

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