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The 31st ICHC Conference will take place May 19-21, 2021 in the Monastery Poortackere (built in the 13th Century) with a famous Church St.Aubertus in Gent, Belgium. This conference is being organized to provide a venue for delivering presentations on any aspect of the history of Cycles (Bicycles, tricycles, and related vehicles) and related subjects. All persons delivering papers will be allotted 35 minutes which allows 25 minutes for an oral presentation and 10 minutes for a question and answer period with the audience. The maximum number of presentations is limited to 25. All papers should be prepared for delivery at the conference using Microsoft’s PowerPoint program, and the illustrations that enhance and outline these papers should be brought to the conference on Flash Drive Memory Sticks, to be projected on a screen viewable by the audience. All equipment needed for MS PowerPoint presentations will be provided by the Conference Centre.
Persons interested in making presentations at this conference must submit an abstract of their presentation in digital form (i.e. , by email or on a flash drive) by (date to be determined) for review to:
Gary W. Sanderson, Chairman
31st ICHC Program Committee
63 Fells Road, Verona, NJ 07044, U.S.A.
Email: [email protected]
The authors of papers submitted for presentation at the conference will be notified of their paper’s acceptance by (date to be determined)..
It is our intention that all papers presented at the 31st ICHC will be published in Cycle History 31, The proceedings of the 31st ICHC. Accordingly, a copy of the written text of each paper, and copies of all illustrations used in the presentation, should be submitted to Gary W. Sanderson (address above) as soon as possible after the close of the Conference, but no later than (date to be determined).
Note1 : All papers submitted must conform to Guidelines for Preparation of Papers for Publication in the ICHC Conference Proceedings.
Note 2: All illustrations for publication in the Conference Proceedings must be submitted with at least 300 DPI.
Note 3: All papers are to be In English or French. If a paper is given in French a translated copy of that paper should be handed out before the presentation to all the participants at the conference.
"A Call for Papers" is not prepared yet for 2021