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International Cycling History Conference
Offering historians a forum to exchange their findings and ideas                ©2014- 2025 ICHC

Come join the Cycle-bration………..
150 years of Bicycling in America

Come to New Haven where America learned to ride a bicycle!


Hosted at Best Western Hotel, 201 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT


Sunday June 26th   

Antique Bicycle exhibition and lecture series    1-6 pm   open to the public, free of charge.

1:00 pm Hall Opens  
2:00 pm The American Cycling Experience – A Photographic Record 1850-1950 Lorne Shields,
2:45 pm The Hobby Horse in America, man learns to balance 1819

Glen Norcliffe,

3:15 pm Pierre Lallement and the Velocipede era, man learns to pedal, 1865-70 David Herlihy,
Boston ,MA
3:45 pm


4:00 pm The rise and fall of the high bicycle; pedaling with a view, 1870-1893 Carey Williams,
Chicago IL
4:45 pm Boom and bust of the American bicycle craze, 1890’s

Paul Rubenson,
Baltimore , MD

6:00 pm Hall Closes  



Monday June 27th ICHC attendees only (registration required)

8:30 am Hall Opens  
9:00 am An Autobiography between the lines; Karl Kron’s 10,000 miles on a bicycle Dave Buchanan,
Edmonton, Canada
9:30 am Reading Smart (’s diary). Mapping the routes and embodied subjectivity of a 1890’s cyclist Christine Bachman-Sanders, Minn, MN
10:00 am Trans Am Trail, America’s Bicycle route

Greg Siple, Adventure Cycling Association   Missoula, Montana

10:30 am Break  
11:00 am Bicycling History Archive Joanne Riley, Healey Library University Mass, Boston
11:15 am Joseph R Wilson Jr, State vs Yopp and the League of American Wheelmen

Michael Gately,

11:30 am "Mount Holly and Smithville Bicycle Railroad" Dennis McDonald,
Medford, NJ
12:00 pm Lunch  
1:00 pm America’s first bicycles: the velocipede era Carey Williams,
Chicago. IL
1:30 pm The life of Charles Palmer, (New Rapid) Christian Wignall,
San Francisco, CA
2:00 pm The safety bicycle Nick Clayton, UK
2:30 pm Break  
3:00 pm Unveiled, a chain drive American velocipede tricycle Lorne Shields,
Toronto Canada
3:30 pm “Lady Cyclists” Dress and tricycling in Britain and the United States during the 1880’s Catlin Cohn, MN
4:00 pm The Needham Tricycle John Malseed, UK
5:00 pm Hall Closes  


Tuesday June 28th ICHC attendees only (registration required)

8:30 am Hall Opens  
9:00 am Pipe Dreams Nicholas Oddy, UK
9:30 am Wheel Violence Duncan Jamieson, Ashland University, OH
10:00 am Bicycling and bicycling advocacy on Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 1970-present

John Allen,
Boston, MA

10:30 am Break  
11:00 am The Henley Bicycle Works and its founder Gary Sanderson,
Verona, NJ
11:30 am Aluminum Bike frame project MIT 1974  Harriet Fell
12:00 pm 1982 The year of the plastic bicycles Chris Morris,
B. C., Canada
12:30 pm Lunch  
1:00 pm America’s first bicycles: the velocipede era. Carey Williams,
Chicago, IL
1:30 pm Overman and Eastman. The bond (and break) of American icon George Eastman and bicycle magnate Albert Overman David Herlihy,
Boston, MA
2:00 pm The church or the wheel, religion contends with the American bicycle boom Chris Sweet,  IL
2:30 pm Fred St. Onge and the Transformation of Bicycling in the Bust Years

Lorenz J. Finison, Ph.D, Boston Mass

3:00 pm Break  
3:15 pm Traces of 19th Century Cycling in the building environment Robert MCCullough, VT
3:45 pm Cycling in the 19th century Gent Dirk Van Luchem,
Gent, Belgium
4:15 pm 28th ICHC Mannheim, Germany 2017   Eva Gramlich
4:30 pm ICHC  business meeting  
5:30 pm Hall Closes  
  Banquet in Evening  


Wednesday June 29th ICHC attendees only (registration required)

Bus Tour