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Call for Presentations
Persons interested in the history of cycles (i.e., bicycles, tricycles, technology, social, racing, travel, etc) are invited to present papers at the 27th (International Cycle History Conference) ICHC that will be held in North Haven CT (USA) on June 26-29th, 2016. Abstracts of all proposed papers should be sent to Carey Williams, 27th ICHC coordinator to be submitted to the Committee on Papers for Presentation for vetting process, by April 15th, 2016, to be considered for incorporation into the program of this conference. All prospective presenters will be notified by May 1st of the acceptance of their paper/ poster for presentation at the 27th ICHC. Abstracts of papers should be sent to Carey Williams ([email protected])
Instructions for Presenters
All papers for presentation at the International Cycle History Conference should be prepared in digital form using Microsoft's PowerPoint program.
There are 3 choices for presentations
A 20 minutes long talk leaving 10 minutes for discussion with audience participation.
B 10 minutes long talk leaving 5 minutes for discussion with audience participation.
C Poster board presentation with optional written handout.
Presenters should select first and second choice for their presentation. All submissions of abstracts must be vetted by the ICHC presentation board. With limited time slots available for choices A &B.
Choice C ( Poster board presentation) 1 or 2 poster boards ( 20”x30”) may be used containing text and photos. Additionally an optional written handout may be used. Poster boards presentations will be displayed around the lecture hall, Presenters may wish to stand with their presentation to discuss their work with others before, after, or during break times during the ICHC.
It is expected that authors of presentations at the conference will submit a written paper based on their oral presentation for possible publication in the proceedings of this conference. These papers should be submitted to Gary W. Sanderson, ([email protected]) Coordinator of ICHC Publications, within 60 days of the close of the conference, and they should conform to the guidelines for preparation of papers for publication in the ICHC proceedings (see guidelines below)
Guidelines to Contributors for Submitting Papers for Publication in the Proceedings of an International Cycle History Conference:
The production of the annual Proceedings takes time, effort and expense. Please view your work for the Proceedings as an important part of a collaborative effort between yourself and those putting the publication together. You will help us considerably if you would carefully follow the guidelines that are outlined here. It might help to understand these instructions if you think of publication in terms of the production/design and layout process: text is inserted first, and then the figures (pictures) and tables are inserted into the text with their captions.
-Your submission should have three (4) components: text, pictures, captions for the figures, and tables. These should be submitted in separate files though captions can be on a separate page in the main text file.
- Do not include or insert pictures into your text file. The text file should contain only the text of the paper as a Microsoft WORD file, with the Notes inserted using numerals in superscript as Endnotes.
- Keep formatting to an absolute minimum – just paragraph returns, no complicated formatting – all formatting has to be removed for the production process.
- The most convenient way to submit figures (pictures or other images) is to create a separate file for each figure, and to number the figures consecutively Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.: The location for each figures should be indicated in the text by inserting Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc. where the figure should be located. Each caption in the list of captions for these figures (on a separate sheet) should be numbered to correspond to the numbers of the illustrations. Sources should be given.
1. General formatting information
Prepare all written material using Microsoft’s WORD word-processing software. Submit all manuscripts with minimal formatting. All illustrations should be submitted as .jpg’s or .tif’s.
2. Writing style / Checking your text
There is usually a big difference between the verbal delivery of your paper and its written/published version. Actually, they are, and they should be, two different things. Papers presented at the Conference can generally be categorized as ‘chatty’, but the written version benefits from being more formal with clarity and preciseness. A good measure of conciseness is most important.
3. Length of paper
The optimal length of a paper for the ICHC proceedings is about 10 pages of double-spaced typescript. An effort will be made to publish every paper that is submitted in its entirety, but articles that are significantly longer than this may have to be shortened.
4. Endnotes / References / Acknowledgements
The expectation is that all statements made in a paper will be substantiated by a reference to a primary source of the information being presented. An article submitted without reference material and/or notes may be returned to the writer to have them added. Please enter all End Notes and Reference material in your text using the standard MS WORD pull-down menu for Notes/References.
Acknowledgements should be included as a brief, separate statement at the end of your paper.
5. Illustrations / Captions
Illustrations should be submitted in as good, clean and sharp form as possible. Submit all illustrations in digital form if possible although good quality copies on paper are acceptable. Pictures/figures should be numbered, and a separate sheet with all the captions listed should be sent with your manuscript. Captions are very important in explaining the picture/figure and relating it to the article - a caption can be several sentences long. Remember, the sources of all pictures should be given.
6. Submission of Manuscripts and Deadlines:
All manuscripts should be submitted within 60 days of the end of the Conference at which the paper was presented: All papers should conform to the above Guidelines and they should be sent to the ‘Coordinator of ICHC Publications’ at the following address using either surface mail or email:
Gary W. Sanderson, Coordinator of ICHC Publications
63 Fells Road
Verona, NJ 07044-1126, USA
Email: [email protected] or [email protected].
Please adhere to the deadline given above. This is important for enabling the proceedings of each conference to be published before the next conference convenes which is our objective.
Guidelines Prepared by:-
Andrew Ritchie and Gary Sanderson [Editors] and Brian Hayward [Design and Layout]
November 2012