Sneak Peak - 2015
International Cycling History Conference — 2014
Maryland Historical Society, 201 West Monument Street, Baltimore, Maryland                ©2014-2016 ICHC

Registration for 25th International Cycle History Conference

To register for the International Cycle History Conference, Ssend completed Registration Form with payment for fees in U.S. dollars by July 15, 2014, to: Paul Rubenson, Treasurer of the 25th ICHC, 631 S. Paca Street, Baltimore, MD 21230-2411, U.S.A.

You can pay the registration fee by PayPal. But, you must pay the PayPal fee. To do this, select “I'm sending money to family or friends” button. Using your PayPal account send payment, to the 25th ICHC Treasurer Paul Rubenson at [email protected].

There will be an optional Bicycle Ride Around Washington, D.C., on August 10th following the end of the Conference for those who are interested.

Download Registration Form

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