Sneak Peak - 2015
International Cycling History Conference — 2014
Maryland Historical Society, 201 West Monument Street, Baltimore, Maryland                ©2014-2016 ICHC

Exhibition and Baltimore Cycling Heritage Party

The 25th International Cycling History Conference will include an exhibition of more than two dozen significant early American bicycles. This exhibit will be available to conference goers throughout the International Cycle History Conference, and will be made available to the public during the Maryland Historical Society's "Baltimore Cycling Heritage Party" on Thursday, August 7th. On that day, the ICHC and the Historical Society will together offer an afternoon and evening of public events including: a public demonstration of velocipedes and high-wheel bicycles, the museum exhibit of rare and historic bicycles presented by their owners, representatives from all aspects of Baltimore's cycling community, food trucks, and an evening cycle tour of Baltimore city led by antique bicycles.

All persons with bicycles that they would like to show at this special event for the International Cycle History Conference, should contact either Ken Gray or Carey Williams for more information.

There will be an optional Bicycle Ride Around Washington, D.C., on August 10th following the end of the International Cycle History Conference for those who are interested.

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